Photo - Blog

Some news from the site and from the digital photography world.
On March 21st, among general surprise, the very famous photography site DPreview announced that... in a short while it is closing after 25 years of operations.
Nobody expected this but current owner, Amazon, decided to shut down the most famous photo site on the web.
The content of DPreview should remain accessible for some time as an archive (for how long? nobody knows), but of course new gear will not be described and reviewed.
Which alternatives to DPReviews? today launches a new information section: photo brands! In this section you will find the list of most of worldwide brands that produce photo gears (mainly cameras and lenses) or photo software.
Currently 48 brands are comprised and the list will grow; for each brand you will find some brief but interesting information: brand logo (proprietary of the company), headquarter location, year of foundation, and for the most famous ones a brief history and the description of abbreviations used in products like terms in lens naming. Also in each brand page you will find the links to product models of that brand in LightPoint photo gear database.

In the past months, we've seen worrying signals coming from Nikon, that let us think of internal problems.
Warranties have been reduced, no new models, many product discontinued...
Let's summarize what happened recently to let the fact speak:
- Referenced brands in this article: Nikon

Benq produces very good monitors for photography, with professional quality but cheaper than other pro brands like NEC and Eizo. And if you buy a high end Benq monitor with hardware calibration, like the great SW271 that is a 27" 4K monitor with almost 100% AdobeRGB gamut, you surely care a lot for color accuracy, so periodic monitor calibration with a colorimeter is a must.
Benq provides its software for hardware calibration: Palette Master Elements (PME). I made myself a lot of testing on color accuracy resulting from using this software and found one particular problem with it.

Today very sad, but not so unexpected news, come from Olympus: the company has signed an agreement with Japan Industrial Partners, Inc. ("JIP") to sell its imaging division, the one that produces and sells cameras and lenses, by the end of current year.
- Referenced brands in this article: Olympus

Do you often export massively your RAW images into JPEG or intermediate TIF for post-processing in Photoshop before final export to JPG? Not all your images have the same importance and you would like to save space on your storage since image files are so many and so big?
You can improve your export workflow with the new Adobe Lightroom@ Classic plugin
Let's see how:
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