Hasselblad information and a brief history
The company was started by Fritz Wiktor Hasselblad in Gothenburg, Sweden as a trading one. The founder's son, Arvid, started the photographic business unit and had a long business relationship with the founder of Kodak (George Eastman).
Victor Hasselbld, great grandchild of the founder, built an aerial camera for Swedish army during Second World War. Then Hasselblad became known for their medium format cameras (larger film than popular 24x36 mm also called "full-frame") and even more when a modified Hasselblad was used on the first human mission to the moon in 1962 and first space walk in 1965.
In 2016, it was the first company to produce mirrorless medium format cameras (the X1D-50c model).
Hasselblad cameras are significantly more expensive than other brands, employing large sensors for the medium format, so they are mainly used by professional photographers.