Skylum Luminar 3.x: specifiche e recensioni
[[span class='fa']][[/span]] Software
Caratteristiche generali
[[a href="/it/foto/software/2075-skylum-luminar-4-x"]]Skylum Luminar 4.x[[/a]]
Unica soluzione
Principali novità: modulo libreria (non un catalogo ma un browser avanzato), sincronizzazione correzioni tra immagini, visualizzazione dati EXIF.
Skylum Luminar 3.x | |
Sviluppo RAW, Fotoritocco | |
2018-12-18 | |
No | |
€ 69 | |
$ 69+IVA | |
Windows, Mac |
Link utili
TechRadar [[strong]][[/strong]]
Considering its strong and well-rounded level of processing control and the single upfront fee, Luminar 3 achieves its goal of offering a compelling alternative to Lightroom. The new DAM system makes things easier too, and while there’s room for improvement, this is thankfully more in relation to a handful of minor niggles rather than any more serious oversights.